Anyone who knows Jim Blechl knows that he rocks anyway, but today, I gained a whole new appreciation for just how much! We showed up at a family’s home just before twilight, and found this little guy sitting on a cot outside the back door. His name is Moses. Apparently, he had been riding his bike down the street a couple of weeks ago when his bare little foot caught in the spokes, thus ripping a huge chunk of his skin right off and exposing the top of his foot to both infection and a difficult healing process. There was a rudimentary bandage on the wound, which is being treated regularly, but Jim sat down and set to

work, carefully engaging the little guy so as to keep him comfortable and yet making sure that everything was analyzed well. But here’s the part that blew my mind. We’re in the middle of a remote Indian village with really, pretty much nothing. The family didn’t even have peroxide, Neosporin, band-aids or any of the things that most of us have just “on hand” in our medicine cabinets at home. The entire environment is far from sterile by ANY means, but Jim was absolutely undaunted, carefully looking through the wound, suggesting remediation and care, and also ensuring long term care as the wound heals. So often, I think that we see doctors in our pristine US offices and hospitals and think tha

t somehow, all that equipment and the latest tech is the “real solution”, but let me tell you, it’s not. It’s the key people like Jim who can take that knowledge anywhere and make it work, improvising even when “the latest scanner or gizmo” is simply unavailable. And even more than that, it’s the fact that when he was done, Jim laid his hand on Moses’ head and prayed for him. Prayed with a passion and humility that was amazing to see in action.
1 comment:
There is no greater gift than the power of a praying physician. You are on holy ground...watch for the miraculous.
Praying for you all and the people you meet!
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