Saturday, July 26, 2008


The team is doing great! They're like Terminator Robots. They just keep going. After a quick clean-up period and a bite to eat, we met Anand and piled 10 people (1 driver, Anand and the 8 of us) into something the size of a Ford Explorer and went bouncing around the city of Chennai to see some of the fun sites. I tried to keep a wary eye on everyone to make sure that everyone was doing okay, not turning into zombies, and having fun, and they just never seemed to shut down. Up for anything that was suggested, the team just kept going... and going...and going. Like Energizer Bunnies on steroids.

The video clip below shows Jim Blechl's commentary on how he feels. Keep in mind that Jim has probably only slept 4 - 6 hours in 48 total hours of travel, so when he says he's "doing fine", that's no small feat.

At about 5:30, when the team began to tire, i apologized to Anand that we were crashing on him. Anand, who himself had been up since about 1 am the night before to pick us up at the airport, said, "I am amazed that you have gone as long as you have. You are all so energetic... you're very brisk!" Brisk? Yeah... brisk. I like that! The next time someone asks me how i'm doing, i think i'll say, "I'm brisk! How are you?"

"Very brisk..."

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